
Ad credit for our partners

Disclaimer: this following information is subjected to change without notice.

Ad credit to our partners

Social rewards from tokenomics are similar to ad credits for our partners, for example, other decentralized applications, crypto-related businesses, and corporations who are potential advertisers to cryptocurrency users. So, there will be ads and social rewards from our partners that will be kicked off after IDO.

More content on Castcle

In addition, our partners are required to build content on Castcle to boost content on our platform and connect Castcle accounts with their social media accounts. Our social rewards will be core features to content creation and advertising to attract more users to join Castcle platform.

Daily Minting

The social rewards will be subjected to daily minting, according to tokenomics, into our social account and will be distributed to our partners with specific time and daily distribution.

Dashboard for Transparency

There will be a dashboard to show the current social account balance, cumulative social minting and cumulative social distribution for transparency.

Last updated